Embryo Transfer Support
Improve your chances of a successful embryo transfer with acupuncture treatments both before and after the transfer takes place. Around 30 minutes prior to your transfer your acupuncture treatment will help you relax, increase blood flow to your uterus, and support the reception of the embryo. Then after the transfer has taken place, a follow-up acupuncture session will help return you to a more calm, relaxed state, support the growing embryo, and encourage your body’s energy to hold the embryo in place.
Please note this treatment follows a different pricing structure to our regular fertility acupuncture services. Call 619-518-6608 for more details.
Male Fertility Treatment
When a couple are struggling to get pregnant, male fertility is a contributing factor more than 50% of the time.
Research shows that the average man’s sperm count and sperm quality have decreased by more than 40% in the past half century due to sperm’s sensitivity to heat, environmental toxins, diet and stress, contributing to an increase in the number of couples experience infertility.
Lifestyle factors can have a negative impact on sperm counts. These factors include:
Eating an unhealthy diet
Drinking excessive alcohol
Using marijuana
Smoking cigarettes
Using hot tubs (as high temperatures decrease sperm count and quality)
Being overweight (BMI over 25)
And it’s not just women who experience a decline in fertility as they get older. New research is showing that men’s sperm quality begins to decline around the age of 45, which impacts the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the health outcome of their child.
New research shows that acupuncture can significantly improve the quality and health of sperm. In a study published in Fertility and Sterility in 2005, researchers analyzed sperm samples from men with infertility of unknown cause before and after acupuncture treatments. They found that acupuncture was associated with fewer structural defects in sperm and an increase in the number of normal sperm.
Other studies have shown that regular acupuncture treatments significantly improve sperm counts and motility (the strength with which the sperm swim).
Please be reassured we never insert needles into your ‘private areas’ – no matter what health condition you are seeking help for. We will explain where the needles will be placed, and you will remain in full control throughout. Many of the people we treat don’t even feel the needles go in at all.
To get the maximum benefit from acupuncture, we recommend men get a minimum course of treatment for three months. But improvements in sperm quality and quantity can occur rapidly making even a one-off acupuncture treatment beneficial.
Male fertility acupuncture treatments are suitable whether you are trying to conceive naturally or using assisted reproductive technology (ART) including intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. If you are using ART, your acupuncture treatment can be started at any time during the cycle.
Details on how to get in touch with us, or book an appointment are at the bottom of the page.
Through Pregnancy And Beyond
We’re here to help you conceive, experience and healthy pregnancy and make a vibrant postpartum recovery. Whether you’ve got a particular symptom you want help with, or you’d like to include acupuncture as part of your regular self-care, we’d love to meet you. Acupuncture is completely safe throughout pregnancy and after the birth, and is a proven way of managing unpleasant symptoms, and promoting an overall feeling of well-being.
“My pregnancy was awesome from beginning to end. I had minimal symptoms, my baby flourished, and I felt energized even towards the end….Words cannot express how much it meant to feel safe and secure in the hands of Heidi.”
– D.W. San Diego.