about the facilitator


All about the facilitator for the Freedom and Legacy course:


Heidi Brockmyre | course facilitator

Heidi’s successful San Diego clinic was established ten years ago, built upon her passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine and a holistic approach to fertility treatment. Over the last four years, Heidi has also worked with thousands of women from around the world, by creating a business model that works online. Time zones and geography are no barrier to her bringing her TCM and holistic therapy knowledge and skills to the people that need them.

Now Heidi is helping other well-being practitioners launch an online presence, so they can create the business of their dreams. Whether they want to use the power of the Internet to grow their local practice, or to scale-up by launching an online offering, the Freedom And Prosperity Online course, helps acupuncturists and holistic practitioners reach for their dreams.


Juan Ramirez testimonial

This course is very thorough in explaining the steps to move forward for a successful online presence today with the greatest level of efficiency. Heidi is a pioneer in her field and I enjoyed learning from her experience.

Juan Ramirez, L.Ac., San Diego, CA