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"How Can I Get Pregnant Fast Without a Period?"

This is a common fertility problem that many women ask me about: “How can I get pregnant fast without a period?” Watch my video here to learn what you can do immediately.

If you are living without a period, you probably want a period, right? Because you do need a period to get pregnant. Period. Sorry, I just had to throw that little pun in there.

But all joking aside, you really do need to have a period because if you don’t have a period, that means that you’re not ovulating. Because a period comes after having ovulated an egg and then the egg doesn’t get fertilized and then you get your period.

So if you’re not getting a period, you’re not ovulating. Or at least you’re not effectively ovulating. This is a common fertility problem — women don’t have regular periods and therefore aren’t ovulating.

Your body may be trying to mature an egg to be ready for ovulation, but it’s not able to fully mature. And in that case, it may be turning into a cyst on your ovary. That’s one of the reasons why women may not be ovulating, but not the only reason.

But either way, a period is a result of ovulating.

If you do not ovulate an egg for fertilization, then you can’t get pregnant. So the only way that you can get pregnant without a period is if you eventually do ovulate and then you get pregnant as soon as you ovulate and you never get your period because you got pregnant. It usually doesn’t happen that way because if you’re not ovulating regularly and you have months and months go between ovulating or your ovulating really, really late. Then your egg quality and your hormones are not really up to par and so they’re not in the best condition for pregnancy. That being said, I have had a client who started working with me and she hadn’t had her period in like a year and she started working with me and then after three months she never did get her period because the first time she ovulated she got pregnant. So her body was able to ovulate a healthy egg and sustain a pregnancy, but that’s not typical.

What typically happens is at first, if you haven’t been getting a period, the first thing first is you need to get your period back. So you need to get your body into a rhythm, get your hormones sorted out, and ovulate an egg. And then that egg probably won’t fertilize also because it’s really hard to time intercourse when your ovulating is really irregular. It’s been months since you ovulated so the chances of actually catching the ovulation are pretty slim as well. But anyways, so first you’re going to get a period and then once you get your period, you want your body to get into a rhythm so that the hormones are worked out and you’re ovulating regularly and you have a healthy egg to ovulate. And when that happens then you’re able to get pregnant.

So why aren’t you getting a period? That’s a really important question.

You should be getting a period about every 28 days or so. That’s how the female body is designed, right?

Well it may be the case that you have an endocrine disorder like polycystic ovarian syndrome or also known as PCOS. So you may have PCOS because you could be genetically inclined to have PCOS. Women who are maybe prediabetic or have diabetes run in the family can be more likely to have this endocrine disorder. But that’s not the only situation, I’ve seen a lot of women and have a lot of clients that had signs of PCOS after having been on birth control for many years. So these days, polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, can look very different from woman to woman. And so a lot of doctors will actually overlook PCOS because maybe the woman doesn’t fit the typical picture of PCOS or maybe she has some symptoms but doesn’t have other symptoms.

What is PCOS?

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or you’re just not ovulating regularly because your eggs are not able to fully mature. That’s the issue that your eggs are not able to fully mature. And so they start growing and they want to ovulate, but they kind of stop growing. And so the follicle that they’re in cannot burst and release them for ovulation so that they can be fertilized. And so instead they just stay inside that follicle, that bubble, and then become filled with fluids and turn into cysts. That’s why it’s called a polycystic ovarian syndrome. Because all of these cysts develop on the ovaries. This can be the case also for women who have been on the birth control pill for many years or any form of birth control. I’ve seen this a lot where women’s ovaries were not functioning like they normally would because, for all these years, they’ve been taking a synthetic hormone that’s pretty much shut down this process.

So it makes sense that the body is having trouble picking that rhythm back up. And in this case is, a lot of doctors don’t really know what to do. They don’t really have anything to do. So they tell these women, and this may be your case, to go to a fertility specialist or they may give them some kind of fertility drug like Clomid to try to force ovulation to happen. And in this case that sometimes works, but sometimes it can make the problem even worse.

I have a lot of women that come to me and when they were given fertility drugs and it actually ended up making things worse because you’re basically adding more fuel to the fire.

MORE reasons why you may not be having a period:

  • You may be approaching menopause and in that case, sometimes your period could be really irregular. You may be skipping some months before you have your period. This is more in the case of women, say in their forties or some women who’ve been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure.
  • You may be malnourished. If you’re somebody who exercises a lot, like if you are somebody who trains for marathons or just runs a lot or is doing tons of CrossFit and you don’t have a lot of body fat. And maybe you’re vegetarian, you’ve been a vegetarian for years and nothing against vegetarianism, it’s great. It can be very healthy, but it can in some cases be challenging if you’re not getting enough protein and so forth and healthy fats. It can be challenging for your body to have the resources that it needs to support growing a healthy egg and ovulating each month. Not that that can’t happen with meat eaters as well, but it really just kind of depends on your body type and your lifestyle.
  • If you’re somebody who’s not getting enough sleep….these are things that are just going to compromise your body’s ability to produce the resources necessary to build hormones that support ovulation as well as the ingredients that the eggs need to mature, so to speak.
  • Endocrine disorders like PCOS, coming off of any kind of birth control or going through menopause or malnutrition and just overall depletion. Or for instance, let’s say you just went through surgery or some other kind of incident. Or maybe you had some trauma or lost a lot of blood or something, then that could challenge the body and you could maybe temporarily lose your period. Or if you have an eating disorder for example, and again you can lose your period in that case as well.

To get your period back so that you can get pregnant, then you really need to support your body and get your body back into a rhythm. Get your hormones worked out, and get them in order, especially if you have been on birth control or have an endocrine disorder. And you also need to warm up your fertility, as we would say in Chinese medicine. Because a lot of times the reason your body is not able to ovulate is that it doesn’t have the warmth it needs and it doesn’t have the circulation it needs. So if you think about eggs – like eggs that are going to be hatched by chickens, they need to stay warm all the time. Well, the same goes for your eggs, there needs to be warmth.

That’s why our reproductive organs are inside our bodies. For men, they’re on the outside of their bodies because the boys need to say cool. Too much heat kills sperm, right? But for women, we need that warmth to facilitate the maturation of eggs and to have really good circulation so that the body is able to push the egg out of the membrane, the follicle. And have really good circulation for the fallopian tubes to be open, for fertilization, for the eggs to go down the tubes and implant. So you can definitely get your body ovulating again, but you just need to give it the support that it needs.

Another important thing to keep in mind to get your period back is reducing stress

Stress throws your hormones off and any toxicity in your environment. Anything that puts a strain on the liver, which is both stress as well as any kind of toxic exposure or unnatural estrogens. Which are in a lot of foods and also in birth control pills and fertility drugs and so forth.

These things can affect your endocrine system and your ability to ovulate and have a period. But don’t worry, you can do it and you can do it naturally, even. You just need some help. But once you give your body the support that it needs, your body’s really resistant and it wants to work for you. It wants to have a period. That’s what it knows to do. That’s its natural state of health. But you just need to know what you can do and how to support it. And unfortunately, when you go to your gynecologist, that’s not what they specialize in. They specialize in knowing birth control or when you need a certain procedure in case you may have something that needs to be further investigated and so forth. But their specialty is not helping your body get back into a natural rhythm.

That’s not really what they’re looking into. And that’s not really their strength. So you do need to incorporate a holistic practice that works, a holistic method and that’s where Chinese medicine comes in. That’s the approach I take because I found it to always be the most effective. And I’m trained in it and it’s been time tested and I just see it work miracles in terms of getting a woman’s body back on track, back into a rhythm, getting her period again. You really want to have a period even if you’re not trying to get pregnant because that means your body is in a healthy state when you’re in your reproductive years. But obviously when you’re trying to get pregnant, then getting a period is first and foremost, the most important thing you want to do. I just got this really awesome email from one of the members of my program, Fertility Activation Method.

“I’m 3 weeks into the program and just started a new cycle. I’m normally extremely bloated and uncomfortable during my period but I feel much less so this month. Here’s to even more positive changes in the coming weeks!”

— Elizabeth

It’s my own do-it-yourself online program where I do twice monthly coaching calls!

By using the tools that I teach in my program and by using my method for two weeks, she finally got her period, boom, two weeks after using my method. So my method helped her body to ovulate and then she got her period two weeks later and she was so happy because she knew that that was goal number one in terms of getting pregnant.

P.S. Save your seat: Join my FREE Online Masterclass: Learn my 5-Step Fertility Reset Plan. Learn my method to renew your faith in your ability to conceive and take back control of your body and health. (And if you are using fertility treatment, this will work for you too.)

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