Taking Targeted Action
Sometimes it helps to focus on one area at a time. These programs focus on the most common problems women approach me with, and provide actionable solutions that provide rapid relief:
Emotional Wellness Workbook™– $47
A step-by-step guided emotional healing process to stay positive throughout your fertility journey. 90% of my clients who’ve completed this workbook go on to have success in growing their families. Heal stuck emotions that affect each organ system (and your fertilityas a result) according to Chinese Medicine Five Element Theory.
Liver Detox + Hormone Balancing Self-Acupressure Protocol – $47
This easy-to-follow instructional video teaches you a self-acupressure sequence that relieves stress, supports the liver acu-meridian to balance hormones and regulate your cycle, thereby improving your fertility.
Especially useful with a history of birth control use and/or irregular cycles.
Digestive Support Plan for Conception- $97
Digestive health is the foundation of fertility and is absolutely crucial for improving fertility. A poorly functioning digestive system steals energy away from your reproductive system and can cause systemic inflammation – which is not good news for baby-making. And your body won’t be assimilating all the nutrition from the food you eat. So even if you are eating all the right foods, your body may not be getting what it needs.
Use this powerful acupressure technique to optimize the functioning of your digestive system. By spending a few minutes each day, applying gentle pressure to the points as demonstrated in the video, you can stimulate your digestive system, improve how well it functions, and increase the nutrition your body is able to absorb from the food you eat. Includes a dietary guide to show you what to eat and avoid during each phase of your cycle, and during pregnancy.
Healthy Digestion in Pregnancy Plan – $97
Get safe relief from common pregnancy digestive symptoms such as nausea, constipation and loss of appetite. My dietary guide will walk you through each trimester of your pregnancy and tell you what to eat and what to avoid during these times.
At the same time, you’ll be using a powerful pregnancy-safe digestive support acupressure protocol to optimize the functioning of your digestive system.