The scholarship application process is now closed.
Dealing with infertility is already stressful enough.
If you don’t have the financial resources to help you overcome it, it’s all the more stressful.
We believe that wellness should not be reserved for the wealthy and that finances should never be the only barrier to experiencing the miracle and healing power of holistic health care, like the Fertility Activation Method.
That’s why I formed La Selva Wellness, my Non-Profit (501C3) Organization, so that I can offer the Fertility Activation Method at a discounted rate to women from low-income households who are trying to conceive.
The normal price is $1597.00.
If you cannot afford to pay the full price for Fertility Activation Method, we do have a scholarship opportunity to join at a significantly discounted rate of 50% off!
That means you will get the program for only $798.50 (rather than the normal price of $1597) if your scholarship application is accepted.
*There are a limited number of scholarships available so you must be ready to join if you’re accepted. If you are offered the scholarship and decide not to take it, the offer will expire and you will not be eligible to apply again. This is a one-time opportunity. The scholarship will NOT be held for you. Your spot will be offered to someone else.
We believe that wellness should not be reserved for the wealthy and that finances should never be the only barrier to experiencing the miracle and healing power of holistic health care.
As such, it is our mission to expand access to high quality holistic healthcare for underserved populations including: low income, Native American, survivors of human and sex trafficking, survivors of sexual assault, veterans and the homeless.
Eligibility is based on your combined annual household income, your location and your situation. When choosing scholarship recipients, we consider your combined total annual income, the poverty level guidelines in your area and your unique story.
You must answer the questions below in detail to be considered for the scholarship. You may be asked to be interviewed by phone or video call as you’re considered for the scholarship.
Please submit the following information to apply for a scholarship while keeping in mind:
The number of scholarships we offer are limited to 7. You must be ready to join the program and submit payment upon acceptance.
We use the honor system and choose to trust the truth of your answers. We ask that you answer the following questions honestly so that we can continue to help remove the financial barrier to holistic health support for those in need.
When sharing your story, please include details about your fertility journey, your financial situation and why you’d like this opportunity.
You must be willing to share your name and story if you win the scholarship. I will announce the winners as inspiration to our wonderful community. I may also request to follow your story and share your wins with others as encouragement.
If you’re application is accepted, you will be contacted within 24 hours with the link to join Fertility Activation Method at the special price.