Sheila Case Study (FB Retargeting) $1997

Case Study:

Sheila’s pregnant using the Fertility Activation Method™ after fibroid surgery, ovarian cysts, irregular cycles and debiliating migraines at age 38.


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Sheila came to me when her doctor had just recommended using an egg donor.

At 38 years old, she had many fertility complications.

…fibroid surgery
…ovarian cysts
…irregular cycles
…debilitating migraines

Sheila had started to lose faith in her body, though she decided she still wanted to support it.

She just wasn’t ready for that step but didn’t know what else she could do.

Uncertain, like her body was failing her and she couldn’t believe in it anymore.

Long story short… within a few months she was pregnant with the Fertility Activation Method™

🎉Currently pregnant
🎉Followed the program for 3 months
🎉Gained self awareness
🎉 Migraines going away
🎉 Ovulating more regularly

Now Sheila will soon enjoy being a mom.

She saved thousands of dollars by not having to use IVF or other fertility drugs.

And she has a proven system to use when she’s ready to conceive her next child.

This is your special invite to join Fertility Activation Method™.

Transcription of Sheila’s Video:

”I’m 38 last year, I was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid and I had a uterine fibroid embolization surgery. And then at the same time, I, my ovulation was kind of off. And then I was having a short luteal phase as well. Um, I had ovarian cysts every now and then not really bad, but I would get one, you know, and then would go away and then we’d get another one. I was diagnosed with the MTHFR mutation and I also had migraines and I just kind of felt like there was a natural way that I could start reducing this inflammation and doing things to support my body. You know, that’s, that’s what I’d like to do. So when I found fam I was really excited because I felt like, you know, your program, obviously, you know what you’re talking about? You know, you have all of these different tools in this like big tool box. And so when I signed up, I just, I dove right in. I started doing the acupressure every day. I, you know, I did the supplements, I was doing the meditations. I listened to all the videos and noticed a big difference in my migraines. Just this last month I incorporated the moxa as well. And I noticed a big difference in my ovulation, just from doing that alone, something was shifting.”

”Describe how it felt when you got the positive pregnancy.”

”It was like happiness shock. Like that’s the only thing that I know to describe it. I was just, you know, I cried because I was like, Oh my God, it’s happening. Like, it’s really happening. I can’t believe it. And I even have that feeling where you look at it and you’re just staring at it, like it says two lines, right. I had this little like baby onesie that I had bought a long time ago. You know, when we first started trying and it said, um, our next adventure waits or, you know, our next adventure begins or something like that. And I wrapped it up and I had a little card and I wrote him a little card and then I, um, surprised him and told him, you know, this is it. No, we’re both like so excited. And, you know, he talks to the baby all the time.”

”How, how did you feel about using the FAM program in terms of how user-friendly it was? Was it easy to understand?”

”I think overall it was just part of my nightly routine and it was something I would do just while watching TV and relaxing. And so I think, you know, it was, it became just sort of a habit. I think it reminded me that I used to believe that my body was this amazing machine has healed itself and I had the fibroid and all this other stuff. I started to kind of doubt that. And so now I’m back to that place where I feel like my body really can heal itself. I just felt like you were always there if I needed you. And you know, you’re always there to answer any questions that I had about the program and, you know, the Facebook group as well. I just, I want to say thank you for everything that you do. I know you really care a lot. It’s very obvious. And you know, I think the program that you’ve put together is really amazing. It’s going to help a lot of women and it has helped a lot of women.”


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