Total Fertility Wellness™ Bonus Masterclass Series:
Online Fertility Expert Convention
Speaker 1 – Kelly Meehan
How to Intuitively Connect with Your Baby-To-Be and Maintain that Connection
(even if you don’t think you’re intuitive!)
with Kelly Meehan, Psychic and Baby Spirit Messenger
In this class:
- Learn what your specific intuitive strength is so that you can tune in and connect with your baby. (Hint: everyone’s intuitive ability is different!)
- Learn how to harness your intuition to connect with your baby-to-be
- Kelly will take you through a guided meditative process to intuitively feel connected with your baby-to-be. You can use this practice regularly throughout your fertility journey to maintain your connection until your baby is on this earthly plane.
Kelly Meehan is a healing visionary, master energy therapist, published author, birth advocate, a loving wife, and an earth mother to her son Rain. She offers a loving service that focuses on conception communication, pre-birth communication in pregnancy, intuitive counseling, and soul communication over all in all areas of birth loss and early infancy loss. Kelly is a messenger for the spirit baby/ babies.
She calls herself a spirit baby medium that talks to the soul of babies and shares those messages with future/current parents. She uses her sensory sensitivity (Clairvoyance/ Clairsentience) and psychological training to support the heart’s of women/couples all around the world that are looking for deeply spiritual and awakened experience in life.
SPEAKER 2 – Alisa Vitti
Nutritional Guidelines for Estrogen Dominant Conditions when Trying to Conceive
with Alisa Vitti, Integrative Nutritionist, Best-selling Author of WomanCode, Founder of FloLiving
In this class, you will learn:
- What estrogen dominance means how to know if you have estrogen dominance
- The long-term health impact of estrogen dominance
- How estrogen dominance effects men
- How to treat the root causes of estrogen dominance naturally and effectively
Alisa Vitti, HHC, is an integrative nutritionist, best-selling author of WomanCode, creator of the WomanCode System, and the founder of, a virtual health center that supports women’s hormonal and reproductive health. A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Alisa has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, has a web series on Lifetime, and has been a regular contributor for CBS, Fox, Shape, Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and the Huffington Post. She is also “The Hormone Whisperer” for Yahoo Health and serves on their advisory board. She has presented at TEDx, Talks@Google, Summit Series Outside, Hay House, WIE Symposium, and SHE Summit.
SPEAKER 3 – Molly Nichols
Visualize Your Pregnancy into Reality: Fertility Visualizations, Why They Work And Where To Start
with Molly Nichols, Fertility Coach and Fertility Guided Visualization Expert
In this class:
- Find out why fertility visualizations dramatically increase your chances of pregnancy in your natural or treatment cycles.
- Discover why it’s time to stop forcing yourself to be more positive, and how visualizations can help.
- Why visualizations support you in releasing fears about your age and fertility.
- Plus, experience a guided fertility visualization that will support you in beginning to see, feel and trust that pregnancy and motherhood is truly possible for you.
Molly Nichols is a renowned fertility coach, healer, and teacher who specializes in educating women on how to uncover and heal the deeper mental, emotional, and spiritual causes of infertility through the use of fertility visualizations, spiritual practices, and an understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection to fertility.
Molly helps women connect with a deeper sense of self, heal from the past, trust in the inner wisdom of their bodies, and open their hearts and wombs to conception; thereby deepening their connection with the spirit of their babies. Her unique approach to healing infertility has supported countless women around the world in becoming pregnant and in finding their unique pathway to motherhood.
SPEAKER 4 – Nicole Jardim
Understanding Hormonal Balance for Conception and Pregnancy
with Nicole Jardim, Certified Women’s Health Coach
In this class, you will learn:
- Why hormonal balance is so important for healthy conception and pregnancy
- What are the most common hormonal imbalances that prevent pregnancy
- What are the most common causes of hormonal imbalances that interfere with conception and what can you do about it?
Nicole is a Certified Women’s Health Coach and creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their health in a natural way – and while having fun too.
After working with a naturopathic doctor to conquer her own disruptive hormonal imbalance during her early 20’s, she knew that sharing her experience could benefit many others in the same situation. She became a certified health coach and took further specialized training in women’s hormonal health with industry visionaries such as Dr. Sara Gottfried, Chris Kresser and Jessica Drummond, founder of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute.
Rather than treating problems or symptoms, Nicole treats women by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormonal imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining feminine vitality at any age.